Following the rules @ Bowie's Nashville
Bowie’s Nashville is open. To ensure the music continues to play, we will be following the requirements issued by Metro Public Health Department which you can find below. In addition, you may find the policies and procedures we have established to combat the spread of COVID-19. Rock on!
Requirements issued by Metro Public Health Department in regards to Bowie's Nashville:
Limited-service restaurants and bars are allowed to reopen with social distancing and a limited number of patrons. All restaurants and bars must close at 2am.
In accordance with ORDER 8, all residents and visitors music wear masks or face coverings in public.
Bar counters may seat guests maintaining social distancing between parties (currently 50% capacity).
Bars & restaurants capacity changes to maintaining social distancing, with a maximum of up to 125 people per floor.
Live entertainment is permitted. Dance floors to remain closed. Curbside/To-go alcohol sales and open containers remain banned in the Midtown and Downtown areas.
Continue social distancing and keep at least 6 feet away from others at all times, including while outdoors.
Our Own Policies and Procedures:
Tables within the establishment are spaced six (6) feet apart.
Groups of guests at tables are restricted to eight (8) people or less.
Staff members will have their temperature taken before stepping inside the building.
Each staff member will wear a mask for the duration of their shift.
Staff is completing full restaurant sanitation at consistent intervals in accordance with local, state, and CDC recommendations.
Restaurant occupancy will be reduced according to official guidance.
Signs have been added throughout Bowie’s Nashville to remind our guests to follow CDC Guidelines for social distancing and proper hygiene.
Although tables will be sanitized between each guest, a new single-use disposable placemat will be placed on the table for each guest.
Staff have received or updated their ServSafe certifications.
Guests at Bowie’s Nashville have always been our top priority and we have taken all the necessary precautions to create a safe environment and experience. If you have any questions please email info@bowiesnashville.com.